Vancouver 2024

Registration is now open!

Head to the University of British Columbia conference page to register for the conference (Oct. 3-6) and pre-conference workshop (Oct. 2-3, limited seats).

The Connected Past: Religious Networks in Antiquity

UBC’s Rose Garden (CCA-SA 2.0, Credit: keepingitsurreal)

Taking place on The University of British Columbia‘s Vancouver Campus.


Megan Daniels (

General Details:

Conference Dates: Oct. 4th-6th 2024
Optional Network Science Workshop: Oct. 2nd-3rd 2024 (seat numbers will be limited)

Wednesday, Oct. 2nd: Optional Network Science Workshop, 10 am – 4 pm
Thursday, Oct. 3rd: Optional Network Science Workshop, 9 am – 4 pm
Thursday, Oct. 3rd: Conference Keynote and Opening Reception starting at 5 pm
Friday, Oct. 4th: Conference, Day 1, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday, Oct. 5th: Conference, Day 2, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Sunday, Oct. 6th: Conference, Day 3, 9 am – 1 pm

Preliminary program coming soon.

For travel and accommodation, see here.

For more information, see the University of British Columbia webpage.

Tweet using #ConnectedPast2024 before and during the conference to stay connected.

Organized by: The Connected PastThe Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions, and the Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, UBC
Sponsoring partners: The UBC Centre for Computational Social Sciences, Green College UBC, The UBC Centre for Migration Studies, The UBC Public Humanities Hub, UBC History, UBC Anthropology, the Vancouver Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, the Database of Religious History, and UBC Advanced Research Computing